Code of Conduct

Everybody is reThe Management of Tarannà Club de Viatges, S.A. (hereinafter, TARANNÀ or the Company) has developed an internal Code of Conduct that includes the principles, values and good practices, within the framework of strict compliance with the law, which must govern the actions of all members of Tarannà, both among team members as well as customers, suppliers, the public administration in general and the rest of society as a whole.
Tarannà promotes the development of its own activity under the principles of excellence, commitment and teamwork.
All members of employees of TARANNÀ must perform their duties with the maximum respect to the laws, external and internal regulations and behavior guidelines provided for in this Code, on the basis of personal and non-delegable commitment to honesty, loyalty to the company and transparency with the client and working against corruption in all its forms.

Guiding Principles

All the staff of the Company must act with correctness and diligence in the development of their professional activities, adapting their conduct to the current legislation and abstaining from any action or omission that could damage the image of the Company.
In particular, the following guiding principles must be respected:

  • Respect for the value and capacity of the human being.
  • Equality of all persons, without any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance prevailing.
  • Confidentiality of the information obtained in the development of our activity.
  • Develop the activity with the maximum diligence and always orientating it to the satisfaction of the legitimate interests of the Company and the client.
  • Responsibility and honesty of the performance of all its members and collaborators.

Compliance with laws

Tarannà and all the staff that integrates it, undertake to comply with the law in force at all times and for each of the areas in which its activity is carried out.
In addition to what is established by the legal norms that are applicable at all times, in Tarannà, behaviors related to the discovery and disclosure of secrets, behaviors that may constitute scams or other frauds, inappropriate behaviors related to computer damage, improper conduct related to industrial or intellectual property, inappropriate behaviors related to the market and consumers, private corruption behaviors, certain behaviors related to the financing of political parties, inappropriate behaviors related to crimes against the Public Treasury and Social Security, inappropriate behaviors related to the rights of foreign citizens, inappropriate behaviors with the Public Administration and influence trafficking behaviors.


One of the most important values in Tarannà is the promotion and consolidation of teamwork, which allows personal and professional growth. That is why, all Tarannà staff must act in a collaborative spirit, making available to others the knowledge and resources that can facilitate the achievement of the objectives and the satisfaction of the interests of both the Company and its customers.
All the members and employees of the Company must treat the others with respect, promoting a pleasant, healthy and safe work environment.
In our Company, harassment behaviors are strictly prohibited in the workplace, including sexual harassment, and disrespectful actions or manifestations against any person or group of them, nor any unequal or discriminatory treatment, regardless of race, religion, sex and sexual orientation, nationality, age, pregnancy situation, degree of disability and other legally protected circumstances.
In Tarannà we are committed to providing adequate conditions of safety and hygiene at work and adequate training in preventive matters to all employees, and the latter have the obligation to respect the rules, procedures and measures established in matters of Prevention of Occupational risks.
We are also committed to make available to all employees the resources necessary for the performance of their professional activity and these must be used in a responsible and appropriate manner.
In Tarannà we select, hire and promote our employees based on their profile, their preparation and their experience in the work they are going to do.
One of our objectives is good communication between the entire team, and the procedures necessary to achieve it have been established.


All the people that make up Tarannà must carry out their functions with the primary objective of achieving the highest levels of quality and excellence in the provision of their services, fully committing themselves to the assigned project and the interests of the client.
The relationship between Tarannà and its customers is based on trust and mutual respect. For this reason, all Company personnel are required to ensure that their professional conduct is complete, honest, loyal, truthful and diligent.


Tarannà is committed to put into practice the principles contained in the Code of Conduct of the Company and to promote among our suppliers its commitment to them and make them partakers of them to favor the chain of adhesions to its terms. Therefore, our Company will do everything possible to prioritize contracting with suppliers that apply in their respective companies the same regulatory standards that govern in Tarannà.

Conflicts of interests

All Tarannà staff must perform their duties with the utmost respect for the interests of the company and its customers, avoiding carrying out personal activities that may conflict with their responsibilities within the Company.
It is understood that there is a conflict of interest situation when the affected Personnel cannot prioritize the interests of Tarannà or its clients over other lawful interests over which it has, morally or legally, duties of protection or promotion.
In case of doubt, you must inform the Company through the Compliance Officer and this one will study the case.

Respect for the environment

Tarannà is committed to the preservation and respect of the environment, and its workers are committed to compliance with the best environmental practices in all their activities, through the prevention and minimization of adverse environmental impacts, as well as the conservation of natural resources.

Information and knowledge treatment

TARANNÀ complies with and will comply with all the requirements set forth in the European Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Digital Guarantees 3/2018, regarding the protection of data of natural persons or regulations that in the future replace it.
The treatment of the personal data that you have under your responsibility is adapted to the legal requirements, adopting the relevant security measures in order to guarantee their confidentiality.
All TARANNÀ members, regardless of the job they occupy and the level of authority they hold, must sign the “Contract for the Provision of Services between the person in charge and responsible for the treatment of Tarannà”.
In addition, they undertake to maintain maximum confidentiality with respect to all the facts or news that they are aware of due to any of the functions developed within the company.
Additionally, all Tarannà employees who introduce any type of information into the Company’s computer systems must ensure that it is rigorous and reliable, abstaining from any practice that contravenes this commitment.

Non-compliance and communication of illegal behaviors

It is the obligation of all Tarannà members to comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with it may result in the application of disciplinary measures, including the possibility of dismissal and, if applicable, the initiation of legal actions or the application of criminal penalties.
Any person or entity related to Tarannà (employees, customers, suppliers, …) that believes that there are behaviors or facts related to an action or omission that may constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct, and, especially, when it may constitute a crime, must communicate it immediately through one of the following ways:

  • By sending an email to the address: or another that could be designated in the future.
  • Completing the form available in the Tarannà website.

The aforementioned channels also allow to raise those doubts that arise in relation to the provisions of this Code or regarding the adequacy of certain behaviors to this or the current law.
All communications and complaints will be processed and investigated by our Compliance Officer, who will offer a response in the shortest possible time and, at most, within a period not exceeding 10 days.
The content of the communications and complaints will be confidential, and will only be made public when necessary in order to be able to solve the issues or problems exposed, with the prior authorization of the communicator or complainant.
Anonymous complaints will not be processed, without prejudice to the investigation measures deemed appropriate.

At Tarannà we assume the responsibility of ensuring that we all act with integrity in all situations.

Barcelona, January 2019

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